biology|biologies in English


[bi·ol·o·gy || baɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]

study of life

Use "biology|biologies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "biology|biologies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "biology|biologies", or refer to the context using the word "biology|biologies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Theoretical Biology Theoretical Biology (aka Mathematical Biology) is an interdisciplinary scientific research field with a range of applications in Biology, biotechnology, and medicine.

2. Campbell BIOLOGY is the unsurpassed leader in introductory biology

3. Study Biology topics like Anatomy, Cell Biology and Genetics

4. The quantitative aspects of Biology - including molecular Biology, biochemistry, genetics, and cell Biology - represent the core of the academic program.

5. Related Topics - Animal Behavior Bioelectricity Bioinformatics Biology Biotechnology Cellular Biology DNA Evolution

6. Biophysics (7018) Cancer Biology (5477) Cell Biology (7853) Clinical Trials (138) Developmental Biology (4609) Ecology (7270) Epidemiology (2059) Evolutionary Biology (10347) Genetics (7590) Genomics (9917) Immunology (4969) Microbiology (13471) Molecular Biology (5212) Neuroscience (29892) Paleontology (206)

7. Blitzing Biology is a student activity book for the NSW Biology syllabus

8. Botany, zoology, biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, fermentation engineering.

9. "So biology, genetics?"

10. Not psychology, biology.

11. Biology Course Numbering Scheme

12. Biology profiles to do.

13. Biology 203L Molecular Biology, Genetics & Evolution (prerequisite: Biology AP 5 and Chem 101D or equivalent) Biology Area Requirements (3 courses) Select 1 course from EACH of the following three areas

14. Chelonian Conservation and Biology

15. She flunked biology examination.

16. Armadillo Appearance and Biology

17. Applicants should have a degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology or a similar background.

18. I had to take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away.

19. Molecular biology of tick Acetylcholinesterases

20. the Emeritus Professor of Biology.

21. EMODnet-Biology-Benthos-Interpolated-Maps

22. Biodegradation – Putting Biology to Work

23. I'm rusty on my biology.

24. Biology Biology is the study of living organisms and their structure, life-cycles, adaptations and environment.

25. Bulbous bluegrass identification, biology and